Seismic Rockfall Hazard Analysis - Sponsor: ODOT, PacTrans, 2017
Slope Stability and Hazard Mapping along Linear Infrastructure - Sponsor: CLiP, 2017
Landslide Susceptibility under Increasing Precipitation and Seismicity - Sponsor: ODOT, USDA, 2017
- Hess, D. M., Leshchinsky, B., Bunn, M., Mason, H. B., & Olsen, M. J. (2017). A simplified three-dimensional shallow landslide susceptibility framework considering topography and seismicity. Landslides, 1-21.
- Leshchinsky, B., Vahedifard, F., Koo, H. B., & Kim, S. H. (2015). Yumokjeong Landslide: an investigation of progressive failure of a hillslope using the finite element method. Landslides, 12(5), 997-1005.
Assessment of Coastal Landslides - Sponsor: ODOT, 2016
- Leshchinsky, B., Olsen, M. J., Mohney, C., Glover-Cutter, K., Crook, G., Allan, J., ... & Mathews, N. (2017). Mitigating coastal landslide damage. Science, 357(6355), 981-982.
Landslide Inventorying using Lidar - Sponsors: ODOT, USFS, 2015
- Gaidzik, K., Ramírez-Herrera, M. T., Bunn, M., Leshchinsky, B., Olsen, M., & Regmi, N. R. (2017). Landslide manual and automated inventories, and susceptibility mapping using LIDAR in the forested mountains of Guerrero, Mexico. Geomatics, Natural Hazards and Risk, 1-26.
- Leshchinsky, B., Olsen, M. J., & Tanyu, B. F. (2015). Contour Connection Method for automated identification and classification of landslide deposits. Computers & Geosciences, 74, 27-38.